We believe that in baptism you obey Jesus, you identify with Jesus & you enter into new life with Jesus.
At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry on earth, he was baptized by John. If you remember the story, as Jesus came up out of the water a voice from Heaven, God the Father, spoke and said, "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased.”
Jesus’ baptism pleased God the Father.
And then, at the end of Jesus’ ministry on earth, right before he ascended to Heaven, Jesus told his disciples to go make more disciples and to baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
So when you are baptized, not only are you following Jesus’ example, but you are being obedient to his desire for you to be baptized into His name.
But it’s more than just obedience. In baptism, you are identifying yourself with Jesus.
Paul, who had come face to face with Jesus and turned his life around, once wrote that when we are baptized we are united with Jesus in his death, burial & resurrection. (Romans 6.1-11). In baptism we identify ourselves as followers of Jesus. People who have followed him into baptism have followed Him into death, burial and resurrection to new life.
So when you are baptized, you identify yourself as someone who has decided to live differently because of Jesus.
And the reason we live different is because we have entered into new life. Eternal life! In baptism we become a new creation (2 Corinthians 5.17). As people who have walked through the waters of baptism we have been resurrected to new life.
Jesus, our resurrected King, has resurrected us from death to life.
Jesus didn’t come and die on a cross, spend three days in the grave and then be raised on the third day because we were bad and he wanted to make us better. He came because we were dead in our sin and He wanted to resurrect us to new life!
With all that said, we know that you may still have some questions about this ancient practice, this holy moment called baptism.
Maybe you’re wondering if you’re ready to be baptized? If you know enough?
There’s a sense in which we’ll never know it all. But if you understand that God loved the world so much that He gave His Son Jesus on the cross so that whoever believes in Him would have eternal life… if you believe that and you’re ready to put your faith in Jesus, then you’re ready.
Do you still have questions? Is there someone you want us to join you in praying for? Is there someone you would like us to talk with about baptism? Do you want to talk to one of our ministers or shepherds about being baptized?
If we can help in any way, please don’t hesitate to email us. Use the form below to send us a message. We would be glad to help you in any way we can!
- Watch a playlist of short videos about baptism by our preaching minister, Corey Trevathan
- Review this list of Frequently Asked Questions to help you in your reflection & study.
- Read Corey Trevathan's blog posts containing some of the teaching material from the "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" sermon series.
- Read these 3 books on Baptism.